Welcome to

Solidaria Social Center

A liberated Space in Stockholm for everyone from below

Because liberated space is necessary to expand revolutionary organizing and
revolutionary organizing is necessary to expand liberated space.

About Solidaria

A liberated space in Stockholm for everyone from below

solidaria alex black whole

Solidaria Social Center is an under construction space for solidarity and for organizing outside and free of capitalist and state structures. A safe, warm and vivid space for people from below to get a ”context/sammanhang”, with an emphasis on mutual aid, while staying away from charity’s benefactor-dependent relationships. Solidaria will offer an open meeting and working space for all radicals and local or not new-comers, functioning like a living organism where people from different groups can socialize, create, evolve and organize in an environment alternative to and against capitalism.
By providing a context/sammanhang to people most marginalized, and by trying to ameliorate our everyday material necessities together, based on need, we aim to organize, and articulate political struggles along with the people most affected by structural oppression, violence and coercion. Functioning on horizontal, inclusive, anticapitalist, antiracist, antipatriarchal and antistate structures.

Upcoming Events

April Opening Times

Öppettider för april 🖤 Kom och skapa liv i Solidaria! Initiativ såsom banderollmålningar, möten eller studiecirklar välkomnas 💫

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Have a look at the FAQs below and get in touch if something is still not clear.

Solidaria Social Center is an open and welcoming space for everyone from below.  So in order to become an active member, just join the weekly meetings, become active in working groups and support Solidaria’s principles and initiatives. When the space is finally ready, then the process for becoming an active member will become more specific, but still based on the above basic idea.

You can support financially through swishing or transferring money to our bank account.

Swish: 123 078 1294

Bankgiro: 5899-1092

SEB Bank (Swift/Bic Code: ESSESESS)

IBAN: SE3050000000052111031143

We would also appreciate any equipment (kitchen equipment, furniture, office equipment, tools and appliances, etc.), clothes, books or food. And of course the best way to support SSC is to join us and work and fight altogether for another world where many worlds can fit in it.

Join our weekly meetings, check the different working groups and their activities and just express your interest in partcipating in one or more of them.

Contact Solidaria

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